
Graduate Symposium
Beyond the Altar Dynamic Intersections of Space, Identity, and Ritual in Ancient Religions Hosted by the Master Apprentice Group Sacrality January 29th, 2025 | 13:00 | Drift 25 – 101 (hybrid via Teams-link) This symposium will explore the dynamic interplay of physical, cultural, and spiritual dimensions that shaped ancient sanctuaries and religious rituals. Through cutting-edge…
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New Year Meeting
This meeting will be devoted to three shorter talks: Former UU student and current PhD Judith Hendriksma will speak about her research on cult places of Hekate at Manchester University. Sacrality group member Sergio Rémon Alvarez will speak to us about the excavations at Antiocheia at Cragum, of which he has been a part for…
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3D imaging in the University Museum of Utrecht
Folkert de Vries and Leon Kamermans have been creating amazing 3D images for a publication of the vases and we are now looking for students interested to contribute to the project and in the process learn more about 3D imaging.
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Jill Hillditch – From ritual centre to maritime sanctuary: the case of Keros in the Aegean Early Bronze Age
Jill Hillditch (UvA) From ritual centre to maritime sanctuary: the case of Keros in the Aegean Early Bronze Age Wednesday, December 11, 17.15-19.00 Location: Drift 25 – 005 The Cycladic island of Keros and the adjacent islet of Dhaskalio have been the subject of numerous archaeological investigations since the 1960s, in an attempt to understand…
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Christina Williamson – Deep Mapping the Asklepieion
Tuesday, November 26, 17.15-19.00 Location: Drift 25 – 005 This talk will focus on the question of using digital approaches to map out human experiences over time. ‘Deep-mapping the Asklepieion of Pergamon’ is a project that centers on the wide variety of spatial narratives at a sanctuary by mapping…
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480 BCE: Reconsidering the Chronological Anchor of Archaic and Classical Greece
Conference, 23–26 June 2022 Conference Center Soeterbeeck, Ravenstein, The Netherlands For the history of Greece, one of the main ‘anchor’ dates is 480 BCE. In that year, the Persian armies led by king Xerxes occupied large parts of Greece. For the history of Greece, both before and after the Persian wars, the watershed of 480…
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Citizenship regimes in ancient Greece
Tuesday, April 13 16.00 Josine Blok The explosive growth of studies of citizenship in ancient Greece of the past twenty, thirty years has given us a wealth of new evidence and exciting viewpoints. But the results are also quite bewildering – the variety of civic practices in ancient Greece and of the academic approaches to…
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Block by Block: Piecing Together Athenian Democracy
Sacrality and The Greek Polis invites you to join an online guest lecture hosted by Utrecht University on January 27th 16:00-17:30 CET. Utrecht has asked Dr. Jessica Paga (College of William & Mary) to speak about her newest book release titled, Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens. Jessica’s lecture will discuss monumental structures and their…
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HIERON fall meeting
Start date and time 28 October 2020 – 09:00 End date and time 28 October 2020 – 12:45 Location Online via Zoom HIERON, the International Network for the Study of Ancient Greek Sanctuaries, invites you cordially to join the fall meeting work in progress. Programme 9.00-9.10 Introduction 9.10-9.30 Hedda von Ehrenheim, Patrik Klingborg & Axel Frejman (UpsU), Ritual…
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Does the Parthenon have the wrong name?
“I knew that scholars didn’t really understand why it’s called the Parthenon,” says Van Rookhuijzen, “so I started looking into a giant puzzle of ancient texts, inscriptions, and archaeological remains.” His surprising, perhaps even heretical, theory suggests that “Parthenon” may not have originally referred to the structure we know today—which is sometimes called the Great…
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