Jill Hillditch – From ritual centre to maritime sanctuary: the case of Keros in the Aegean Early Bronze Age
Wednesday, December 11, 17.15-19.00
Location: Drift 25 – 005
The Cycladic island of Keros and the adjacent islet of Dhaskalio have been the subject of numerous archaeological investigations since the 1960s, in an attempt to understand the enigmatic marble figures first recovered at the site of Kavos towards the end of the 19th century. Subsequent marble finds, in addition to ceramics, metals, lithics, seals and sealings, dating from the Early Cycladic II period (2750-2250 BC), have begun to shed light on this early maritime community and their practices. In this talk I explore how archaeologists use these finds to assess the role of these sites within Cycladic interactions, and how our interpretations of ritual practice and prehistoric sanctuaries are changing over time.